MIChael Dommes
brother of AN
managing director of brother and sister a german label of MIC DOM UG
Die Bilder können Anregungen und Motivation sein, unsere und die Ressourcen unserer Erde überlegt zu nutzen.
The pictures can be suggestions and motivation to use our resources and the resources of our earth wisely.
Momente der Begeisterung
bg-primary | |
bg-primary-light | |
bg-primary-dark | |
bg-secondary | |
bg-secondary-dark |
body | |
top-header | |
top-header-inner | |
header | |
header-inner | |
navigation-inner | |
navigation color | |
dropdown background color | |
content |
background | |
text color | |
link color | |
horizontal line |
style 1 | |
style 2 | |
style 3 | |
text color |
background color | |
navigation color |
social icons | |
top header border | |
header border | |
nav inner border |
Template configurations | |
Top header inner | |
Header inner | |
Navigation inner | |
Navigation styles | |
size-15 weight-400 snip-nav --line01 | |
Sub-menu (breadcrumbs) styles | |
size-15 | |
Mobile Navigation styles | |
size-20 weight-500 | |
Content styles | |
form-white | |
Footer styles | |
o-form color-white | |
Footer background image | |
Typography |
Heading H1 | |
weight-400 | |
Heading H2 | |
weight-400 | |
Heading H3 | |
weight-400 | |
Buttons | |
weight-400 | |
Advanced settings | |
Custom CSS | |
#cc-inner .my-class { color:#f0f0f0; }